
They adopt a shelter dog who had been waiting for more than 7 years to have a family

A young dog spent her days forlorn and staring into a shelter, and as the years went, she grew into an elderly canine with little chance of getting adopted, until one day a miracle occurred.

Ginger is a Labrador Retriever mix dog that spent more than seven years in a shelter; she had merely watched as many of her canine companions were being adopted and she was waiting for someone to adopt her. This dog went from being an ageing dog with no prospect of finding a family to the most cherished of hers after a photo of her went viral on Facebook. She understands her own story and understands how acts of love may transform a dog’s fate.

Dog had been waiting to be adopted for more than 7 years

There are so many pets at shelters waiting for their forever homes. Unfortunately, many animals wind up waiting for years to find their permanent homes, while others die without understanding what a home is.

For more than seven and a half years, Ginger had been looking to be adopted, but no one had taken notice. This is how the Dogwood Animal Shelter at Lake of the Ozarks in Osage Beach, Missouri came up with the concept of using a heartbreaking photo that told her story to encourage the adoption of her old dogs.

The photograph of Ginger went viral because it depicted a forlorn dog in her kennel with a sign outside telling her story:

“Hello! I’m a brunette! I’ve been waiting here for seven years, nine months, two weeks, and two days. I’m a nice girl! I guarantee it! “All I need is another chance.” The sign stated.

They adopt an older dog that has spent nearly eight years in a shelter.

Ginger was adopted by a woman in 2020 as a result of the propagation of this story. The elder canine had the opportunity to experience true love, and you can see that she lives a very happy life now that she has a new owner. She started an Instagram account called keepingup_withginger, where they aim to encourage people to adopt pets.

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